Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

chord lagu cinta gila

Chord Ungu Cinta Gila (OST Sang Pemimpi)

Author : Chord Frenzy
[intro] D5 A5-A#5 A5 G5 G5 F5-E5
        D5 A5-A#5 A5 G5 C5-C#5-D5

Dm                                  A
Tahukah kalau apa yang kau lakukan itu
Gm                    Dm
Tahukah kau siksa diriku
Dm                              A
Bertahun kunantikan jawaban dirimu
Gm                    Dm
Bertahun-tahun ku menunggu

    Dm                 A
Kau sangka aku akan menyerah
       Gm             Dm
Kau sangka aku akan pasrah
    Dm                A
Dirimu tak perdulikan aku
      Gm               Dm
Walau cinta hanya untukmu
      Gm               Dm
Walau kasih hanya untukmu
      Gm               Dm
Walau sayang hanya untukmu
untukmu untukmu untukmu 

D5  A5 A5 C5 B5 A5
Kau Mimpi-mimpiku
E5 E5 F5 G5 A5
Cinta gilaku 
E5 E5 F5 E5 D5
Hanya padamu

A5 C5 D5  A5 A5 C5 B5 A5
Hanya kau Belahan jiwa
E5 E5 F5 G5 A5
Cinta membara 
E5 E5 F5 E5 D5
Tiada tara

[interlude] Dm Gm Dm
            Dm Gm Dm

untukmu untukmu untukmu 

D5  A5 A5 C5 B5 A5
Kau Mimpi-mimpiku
E5 E5 F5 G5 A5
Cinta gilaku 
E5 E5 F5 E5 D5
Hanya padamu

A5 C5 D5  A5 A5 C5 B5 A5
Hanya kau Belahan jiwa
E5 E5 F5 G5 A5
Cinta membara 
E5 E5 F5 E5 D5
Tiada tara

[outro] D5 A5-A#5 A5 G5 G5 F5-E5
        D5 A5-A#5 A5 G5 C5-C#5-D5
        D5 A5-A#5 A5 G5 G5 F5-E5

fenomena langit cirebon

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

pohon misterius

lyrick lagu yangseku

Pelukan sayang dari hati
Kini tak terbendung lagi
Yang telah lama kau ku nanti
Kau pujaan hati
Kau genggam erat tangan ini
Seakan tak ingin kau pergi
Kau peluk erat tubuh ini
Kau pujaan hati
Biarkanlah kata sayang kan selalu terucap
Biarkanlah kata cinta kan selalu ku dengar
Karena kaulah kekasih hati yang selama ini memang ku cari
Kau genggam erat tangan ini
Seakan tak ingin kau pergi
Kau peluk erat tubuh ini
Kau pujaan hati
Biarkanlah kata sayang kan selalu terucap
Biarkanlah kata cinta kan selalu ku dengar
Karena kaulah kekasih hati yang selama ini memang ku cari
Biarkanlah kata sayang kan selalu terucap
Biarkanlah kata cinta kan selalu ku dengar
Karena kaulah kekasih hati yang selama ini memang ku cari
Biarkanlah kata sayang kan selalu terucap
Biarkanlah kata cinta kan selalu ku dengar
Karena kaulah kekasih hati yang selama ini mengisi hati

sejarah ungu band

SeJaRah UNGU baNd

Ungu terbentuk tahun 1996. Motor pembentuknya adalah Ekky (gitar) dan saat itu vokalisnya adalah Michael, sedangkan drum dipegang oleh Pasha Van derr Krabb. Tahun 1997, saat Ungu hendak manggung, Pasha Van derr Krabb 'menghilang' dan posisinya digantikan oleh Rowman. Enda yang sebelumnya adalah roadies-nya Ekky juga ikut bergabung dengan Ungu.

Tahun 2000, Ungu mulai mempersiapkan album pertama mereka, yang akhirnya dirilis 6 Juli 2002 bertajuk Laguku. Sebelumnya, Ungu ikut mengisi 2 lagu di album kompilasi Klik bersama Lakuna, Borneo, Piknik, dan Energy. Ke dua lagu tersebut adalah "Hasrat" dan "Bunga". Single pertama album ini, "Bayang Semu" menjadi ost. sinetron ABG (RCTI). Meski terbilang sukses, album ini baru mendapat Platinum Award setelah hampir 2 tahun album ini dirilis.

Saat hendak masuk dapur rekaman untuk album kedua, Ekky memutuskan keluar. Oncy yang saat itu baru keluar dari Funky Kopral dipilih untuk menggantikan Ekky. Album kedua Ungu Tempat Terindah dirilis Desember 2003. Album ini menjagokan "Karena Dia Kamu" sebagai single pertama dan "Suara Hati" dipilih sebagai single kedua. Baru empat bulan dirilis, penjualannya telah mencapai 80.000 (delapan puluh ribu) kopi. Jumlah yang cukup signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan album pertama yang 'telah' mendapatkan platinum (150.000 kopi) dalam hitungan waktu satu setengah tahun.[1]

Pada tahun 2005, Ungu menjadi salah satu artis yang berkolaborasi dengan Chrisye di album terbaru Chrisye, "Senyawa".

Album Melayang dirilis Desember 2005. Di albumnya yang ketiga dengan single "Demi Waktu", Ungu mendapat double platinum.[2] Dengan hits Demi Waktu mengantarkan Ungu jadi MTV Exclusive Artis di bulan Desember 2005. Gaung "Demi Waktu" merambah negeri Jiran, Malaysia. Empat perusahaan label berebut untuk mendapatkan hak edar di sana. SRC, perusahaan yang menaungi Siti Nurhaliza akhirnya keluar sebagai pemenang.[3]

Ungu mengeluarkan sebuah mini album untuk menyambut Ramadhan 1427 H bertajuk SurgaMu yang dirilis September 2006.[4] Hanya dalam tempo sepuluh hari sejak rilis mini album SurgaMu, telah terjual sebanyak 150 ribu keping.[5] Bahkan Wakil Presiden Yusuf Kalla memberi penghargaan 'Inspiring' atas album religi SurgaMu. Sayangnya, saat hendak menerima penghargaan di istana Wapres, Ungu yang mengenakan setelah jas yang dipadu celana jeans ditolak masuk ke dalam istana, dengan alasan pakaian yang tak sesuai dengan protokoler istana.[6]

Dalam Penghargaan MTV Indonesia 2006, Ungu masuk dalam 3 nominasi, yaitu Most Favorite Group/Band/Duo, Best Director "Demi Waktu" Abimael Gandy, dan Video of the Year "Demi Waktu".[7]

Ungu dengan dukungan "A Mild Live Productions" dan "Trinity Optima Productions" membuat buku biografi. Buku yang diberi judul "A Mild Live Ungu Book Magazine" itu diluncurkan pada Kamis, 10 Mei 2007, di Jakarta.[8] Dicetak sebanyak 40 ribu eksemplar, buku tersebut memuat biografi masing-masing personil, diskografi Ungu, foto-foto, dan bahkan chord lagu-lagu Ungu.[9]

Ungu juga sering terlibat dalam pembuatan album soundtrack. Ungu pernah menyumbangkan lagu untuk film Buruan Cium Gue yang dilarang edar. Ungu pun menyumbangkan 3 buah lagu untuk film Coklat Stroberi yakni dua lagu baru, "Disini Untukmu" dan "Sahabatku", serta mengikutkan lagu "Berjanjilah" dari album ketiga mereka Melayang.[10]

Dalam ajang "SCTV Music Awards 2007" di Balai Sidang Jakarta (JHCC), Ungu mendapat 4 kemenangan. Album SurgaMu yang diproduseri Trinity/Prosound membawa Ungu menjadi penerima penghargaan 'Album Religi', 'Lagu Paling Ngetop' dan 'Video Klip Paling Ngetop' untuk lagu "Andai Kutahu". Sedangkan Melayang dengan lagu andalan "Tercipta Untukmu" memenangkan kategori 'Album Pop Rock Duo/Grup'.[11]

Ungu kembali merilis album reguler keempatnya bertajuk Untukmu Selamanya. Album ini di-launching di empat negara sekaligus, yaitu 9 Agustus 2007 di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 Agustus 2007 di Singapura, 12 Agustus 2007 Hongkong dan puncaknya 15 Agustus 2007 di Jakarta, Indonesia. Lagu andalan dalam album ini antara lain, "Kekasih Gelapku", "Cinta dalam Hati", "Apalah Arti Cinta" dan "Ijinkan Aku".[12]

Menyambut Ramadhan 1428 H, Ungu merilis album religi lagi yang berbentuk mini album bertajuk Para Pencari-Mu. Dalam album ini Ungu berkolaborasi dengan ustad Jeffry Al Buchori.[13] Album ini hanya berisi lima lagu, yaitu "Para PencariMu", "Sembah Sujudku", "Surga Hati", "Sesungguhnya", dan "Tuhanku". Sebelum mini album ini dirilis, tiga dari lima lagu telah terpilih sebagai soundtrack sinetron religi yang tayang selama Bulan Ramadhan.[14]

Ungu kembali meraih penghargaan untuk kategori 'Band Ngetop' di ajang SCTV Awards 2007, yang berlangsung di JCC Senayan Jakarta, Jumat, 24 Agusutus 2007. Dalam ajang itu, Ungu berhasil menyisihkan grup band lainnya, seperti Ada Band, Peterpan, Radja, dan pendatang baru yang mendadak populer, Kangen Band. Pada tahun 2007, Ungu bersama Samsons dan Naff, dijuluki 'The Rising Star' band oleh penyelenggara konser musik akbar Soundrenaline, A Mild Live Productions dan Deteksi Productions, juga oleh raksasa label rekaman Musica Studio.[15]

enda ungu

karakteristik ip private & publik

Dalam jaringan komputer dikenal dua tipe alamat IP yaitu public dan private. Alamat umum diberikan oleh Internet Service Provider (ISP) untuk berhubungan ke Internet. Bagi host di dalam organisasi yang tidak memerlukan akses langsung ke Internet alamat IP yang tidak menduplikasi alamat umum yang sudah diberikan masih tetap dibutuhkan. Untuk memecahkan persoalan alamat ini, para disainer Internet mencadangkan suatu bagian dari ruang alamat IP dan menamai ruang ini sebagai ruang alamat pribadi. Suatu alamat IP pada ruang alamat pribadi tidak pernah diberikan sebagai alamat umum. Alamat IP di dalam ruang alamat pribadi dikenal sebagai alamat pribadi atau Private. Dengan memakai alamat IP pribadi, pemakai dapat memberikan proteksi dari para hacker jaringan.
Karena alamat IP pada ruang alamat pribadi tidak akan pernah diberikan oleh Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC) sebagai alamat umum, maka route di dalam Internet router untuk alamat pribadi takkan pernah ada. Alamat pribadi tidak dapat dijangkau di dalam Internet. Oleh karena itu, saat memakai alamat IP pribadi membutuhkan beberapa tipe proxy atau server untuk mengkonversi sejumlah alamat IP pribadi pada jaringan lokal menjadi alamat IP umum yang dapat di-routed. Pilihan lain adalah menerjemahkan alamat pribadi menjadi alamat umum yang valid dengan Network Address Translator (NAT) sebelum dikirimkan di Internet. Dukungan bagi NAT untuk menerjemahkan alamat umum dan alamat pribadi memungkinkan terjadinya koneksi jaringan-jaringan kantor-rumah atau kantor yang kecil ke Internet.
Sebuah NAT menyembunyikan alamat-alamat IP yang dikelola secara internal dari jaringan-jaringan eksternal dengan menerjemahkan alamat internal pribadi menjadi alamat eksternal umum. Hal ini mengurangi biaya registrasi alamat IP dengan cara membiarkan para pelanggan memakai alamat IP yang tidak terdaftar secara internal melalui suatu terjemahan ke sejumlah kecil alamat IP yang terdaftar secara eksternal. Hal ini juga menyembunyikan struktur jaringan internal, mengurangi resiko penolakan serangan layanan terhadap sistem internal.

ip private dan ip adress

What is a Private IP Address?

When you send a letter from your house to a friend, you have to know the address to send it to so that the postman knows which street and which house to take it to. Computer networks such as the Internet are no different except instead of sending your web traffic to "1145 Main Street"; your computer's location is known as an IP Address.
An IP address is your computer's equivalent of your postal address and just like the mail service, each computer has to have its own address so that it will only receive the information that is meant for it and not anything that is meant for someone else.
While we are used to writing out streets and house numbers on envelopes, inside your computer IP Addresses are usually represented in what is known as dotted-decimal format such as as this is the system that is understood by computers. As you can see, the address is split into 4 sections known as "octets" and each of the four octets can be numbered from 0-255, providing a total of 4,294,967,296 potentially unique IP Addresses.
Now, while 4.2 Billion might seem like a lot, for many years large amounts of these have been allocated and used by large network such as backbone providers, ISPs and large Universities that made up the early Internet While other groups still have been reserved for special purposes and are not usable, so in practice the real amount is far less than 4.2 billion. The problem that we face today is that with many homes owning more than one computer and with cell phones, PDAs and even fridges being enabled for Internet access these days, IP Addresses are running out.
When I mentioned above that some blocks of addresses had been reserved for special purposes, one of these purposes was for private networking and it is these private addresses that help to relieve the pressure on the remaining address space and make possible many of the cable and DSL routers that people have at home today to share their Internet connection amongst many PCs.

Private IP address ranges

The ranges and the amount of usable IP's are as follows: -
Addresses: 16,777,216 -
Addresses: 1,048,576 -
Addresses: 65,536

So, what are these addresses and how do they work?

For example, if I had 6 computers that I wanted to network, I might number them from up to and this would still leave over a million more addresses that I could use if I were to buy some more computers or if I was networking a large office and needed lots and lots of addresses.
These blocks of addresses can be used by anyone, anywhere - even if your neighbor is using the exact same addresses this won't cause a problem. This is possible because these addresses are known as "non-Routable addresses" and the devices on the internet that move data from one place to another are specially programmed to recognize these addresses. These devices (known as routers) will recognize that these are private addresses belonging to your network and will never forward your traffic onto the Internet so for your connection to work; you will always require at least one real address from the general pool so that your home router can perform what is known as "Network Address Translation".
NAT is a process where your router changes your private IP Address into a public one so that it can send your traffic over the Internet, keeping track of the changes in the process. When the information comes back to your router, it reverses the change back from a real IP Address into a private one and forwards the traffic back to your computer.
Private addresses and NAT is what makes your home router work and by using them, anyone is able to connect as many computer's as they wish to the Internet without having to worry about running out of addresses and this gives everyone many more years until all the available addresses are used up.

wong kemadu

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

enda waktu sma

nurdin halid (revolusi pssi)

enda ungu

ip private

ip privateThe Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has directed the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve the following IPv4 address ranges for private networks, as published in RFC 1918[1]:
RFC1918 name IP address range number of addresses classful description largest CIDR block (subnet mask) host id size
24-bit block – 16,777,216 single class A ( 24 bits
20-bit block – 1,048,576 16 contiguous class Bs ( 20 bits
16-bit block – 65,536 256 contiguous class Cs ( 16 bits
Classful addressing is obsolete and has not been used in the Internet since the implementation of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) starting in 1993. For example, while was a single class A network, it is common for organizations to divide it into smaller /16 or /24 networks.

] Private IPv6 addresses

The concept of private networks and special address reservation for such networks has been carried over to the next generation of the Internet Protocol, IPv6.
The address block fc00::/7 has been reserved by IANA as described in RFC 4193. These addresses are called Unique Local Addresses (ULA). They are defined as being unicast in character and contain a 40-bit random number in the routing prefix to prevent collisions when two private networks are interconnected. Despite being inherently local in usage, the IPv6 address scopes of unique local addresses is global.
A former standard proposed the use of so-called "site-local" addresses in the fec0::/10 range, but due to major concerns about scalability and the poor definition of what constitutes a site, its use has been deprecated since September 2004 by RFC 3879.

] Link-local addresses

Another type of private networking uses the link-local address range codified in RFC 5735 and RFC 3927. The utility of these addresses is in self-autoconfiguration by network devices when Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services are not available and manual configuration by a network administrator is not desirable.
In IPv4, the block 169.254/16 is reserved for this purpose, with the exception of the first and the last /24 subnet in the range. If a host on an IEEE 802 (ethernet) network cannot obtain a network address via DHCP, an address from to may be assigned pseudorandomly. The standard prescribes that address collisions must be handled gracefully.
The IPv6 addressing architecture sets aside the block fe80::/10 for IP address autoconfiguration.

Common uses

The most common use of private addresses is in residential networks, since most Internet service providers (ISPs) only allocate a single routable IP address to each residential customer, but many homes have more than one networked device. In this situation, a network address translator (NAT) gateway is usually used to provide Internet connectivity to multiple hosts.
Private addresses are also commonly used in corporate networks, which for security reasons, are not connected directly to the Internet. Often a proxy, SOCKS gateway, or similar devices are used to provide restricted Internet access to network-internal users.
In both cases, private addresses are often seen as enhancing network security for the internal network, since it is difficult for an Internet host to connect directly to an internal system.

] Misrouting

It is not uncommon for packets originating in private address spaces to be misrouted onto the Internet. Private networks often do not properly configure DNS services for addresses used internally and attempt reverse DNS lookups for these addresses, causing extra traffic to the Internet root nameservers. The AS112 project attempted to mitigate this load by providing special blackhole anycast nameservers for private address ranges which only return negative result codes (not found) for these queries.
Organizational edge routers are usually configured to drop ingress IP traffic for these networks, which can occur either by misconfiguration, or from malicious traffic using a spoofed source address. Less commonly, ISP edge routers drop such egress traffic from customers, which reduces the impact to the Internet of such misconfigured or malicious hosts on the customer's network.

] Merging private networks

Since the private address space is relatively small, many private networks use the same address space. This creates a common problem when merging such networks, namely the duplication of addresses on multiple devices. In this case, networks or hosts must be renumbered, often a time-consuming task, or a network address translator must be placed between the networks to masquerade the duplicated addresses.

] Private use of other reserved addresses

Historically other address blocks than the private address ranges have been reserved for other potential future uses. Some organizations have used them for private networking applications despite official warnings of possible future address collisions.

] RFC References

  • RFC 1918"Address Allocation for Private Internets"
  • RFC 2036"Observations on the use of Components of the Class A Address Space within the Internet"
  • RFC 2050"Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines"
  • RFC 2101"IPv4 Address Behaviour Today"
  • RFC 2663"IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations"
  • RFC 3022"Traditional IP Network Address Translator (Traditional NAT)"
  • RFC 3330"Special-Use IPv4 Addresses" (superseded)
  • RFC 5735"Special-Use IPv4 Addresses"
  • RFC 3879"Deprecating Site Local Addresses"
  • RFC 3927"Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses"
  • RFC 4193"Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses"

ungu Band

pasha ungu

ungu band